Re: ViEmu Bugs

1.  ^V does not seem to work in substitute mode.  In particular, I can see no way to substitute in a line feed which I would do in vim with:
:s/ /^V^M/g

2.  When you "Save and Remove" clashing key bindings, it seems to throw away all the previously saved bindings and only save the ones from this session.  Surely it should add to the previously saved ones?

3.  When searching and a match occurs in a closed block, n (search next) fails.  N (search previous) seems to work OK.



Re: ViEmu Bugs


1. ViEmu does not yet understand ^V as an "input escape" character, and ^M can't be keyed in directly, as it's the same as return.

The way to do what you want in ViEmu is to do :s/ /\r/g (the '\r' syntax for the line feed in the right-hand side of a :s command is taken from vim).

2. You are right in that the current UI is complex and confusing. To work properly, it should do some kind of "intelligent merge" in order to avoid duplicates and take into account possible changes by the user through the VS configuration interface. What I usually do is, first, "Restore" and "Forget" from the left-hand list of deactivated & saved commands, do whatever changes, and then use "Save and Remove".

Instead of chasing a difficult goal and improve this UI, I will be bringing in the new interception system I developed for ViEmu/Word+Outlook into ViEmu/VS and /SQL, which will not need to remove any keybindings, and it will be much simpler.

3. You are right, I have received several reports of this. I must have broken it in some of the latest releases. I am finishing a new build of ViEmu/Word+Outlook, hopefully ready in a couple of days, and then I'll come back to fix all the outstanding issues in ViEmu/VS towards an official 2.1 release. This issue is included among the priority ones and will be fixed in the next release, hopefully ready next week.

Thanks and best regards,



Re: ViEmu Bugs

Never knew about the \r syntax, thank you.

Slight oddity in ^R for put (in insert mode), by the way. By itself, it waits for the register so ^R" works as expected.  The two-key combinations though (^R^R, ^R^P and ^R^O) do not wait but paste immediately.  Is this intentional?


Re: ViEmu Bugs

Rather than intentional, the reason is that only the simple ^R is implemented yet. The second keypress is always taken as a register identifier, and, if not recognized, ViEmu falls back to the default register. The extended ^R keypresses will be added in a future release, as time permits.

Thanks and best regards,



Re: ViEmu Bugs

The "search-not-entering-folded-region" bug has been fixed in 2.0.61, details here:


