Re: Return/Enter behaviour from Ex when cursor in doc comment


I am having a problem with Return/Enter behaviour when the cursor is in a C# documentation comment (three forward slashes).  If I go into ex mode and issue a command (such as :w), pressing return inserts a line break rather than completing the ex command.  Strangely this problem *doesn't* present in regular code comments (single or multi-line).

(Sounds similar, but not identical, to the issue described here: http://www.viemu.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=435, but that is for an earlier version and is reportedly fixed.)


* Viemu 2.5.7
* Visual Studio 2010
* Resharper 5.1.1742.13


Re: Return/Enter behaviour from Ex when cursor in doc comment

Hi, we are aware of it, and we're trying to find a work around. It's most likely due to some interaction with Resharper.


  -- Jon