Topic: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

I can't seem to get ctrl-r to work. According to http://www.viemu.com/viemu_doc.html I should be able to do this:

'In insert and command line editing mode, you can use Ctrl-R followed by a register specifier to recall the contents of that register (use " or any other non-alphanumeric symbol after Ctrl-R to recall the contents of the default register). '

This doesn't seem to work for me at all - if I type ctrl-r and then " in insert mode, I just get a " inserted. I've tried removing the key-binding for redo, but that just stops redo from working in command mode without getting ctrl-r to work in insert or ex mode.

I have Resharper installed, but I tried disabling it and it made no difference.

Should this work? Any suggestions?


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

Hi weeble
Sorry, but i can't reproduce this issue, the CRTL-R feature works fine from earlier ViEmu releases; are you sure that you have contents in that register (") to recall?


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

That's odd. Okay, here's a basic test:

1. I create a new empty file using File->New->File->Text File.
2. I press ESC to make sure I'm in command mode.
(The text "ALPHA BRAVO CHARLIE" is inserted.)
4. I press ESC to return to command mode.
5. I press 0 to return to the start of the line.
6. I type: "gyw
(Yanks "ALPHA" into register g.)
7. I type: o
8. I press ESC to return to command mode.
9. I type "gp
(Pastes "ALPHA" from register g.)
10. I type: o
(Now in insert mode.)
11. I hold down ctrl and press r
12. I type g
(The letter "g" is inserted. I expected "ALPHA" to be inserted.)

Should "ALPHA" be pasted from register g in step 12? Or have I become confused? If it should be working, why might it not be? If it might be a keyboard mapping thing, is there a way to reset everything to be sure?


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

This should certainly work, I've tested it myself, so there is something else going on. I'll try it again with ReSharper installed, to see if it makes any difference, but meanwhile, do you have any other extensions installed that I can test to see if they have something to do with it?


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

I have Microsoft's "Productivity Power Tools" installed - mostly for the tab well and for copying formatted code as HTML - but I have tried with it disabled and got the same behaviour. Here's a copy and paste from the about box while Productivity Power Tools was disabled:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel

Installed Version: Professional

Microsoft Office Developer Tools   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Office Developer Tools

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

Microsoft Visual C# 2010   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual C# 2010

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

Microsoft Visual F# 2010   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual F# 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer

Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010   01018-532-2002181-70737
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010

Crystal Reports Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010   
Crystal Reports Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional - ENU (KB2455033)   KB2455033
This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional - ENU.
If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically.
For more information, visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2455033.

JetBrains ReSharper 5.1   C# Edition build 5.1.3000.12 on 2011-01-28T05:05:56
JetBrains ReSharper 5.1 package for Microsoft Visual Studio. For more information about ReSharper, visit http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/. Copyright © 2003–2011 JetBrains, Inc.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Developer Tools   10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Developer Tools

ViEmu (Symnum Systems S.L.U.)   2.5.7
ViEmu: Vi/vim emulation for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. (c) 2005-2010 Symnum Systems S.L.U. Please visit http://www.viemu.com for details.


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

I get the same behavior from Ctrl-r as Weeble -- not working.
Similar set up: VS2010, Resharper, several extensions loaded.


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

Thanks for the report Number8

Maybe some kind of incompatiblity with resharper or another VS extension, we are working in it and probably solved in the next ViEmu release.


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

After a catastrophic hard drive failure, I've reinstalled everything on a clean machine, and the aforementioned problem no longer seems to affect me. Just in case it's helpful, here's a new copy of my Visual Studio "About" dialog:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel

Installed Version: Professional

Microsoft Office Developer Tools   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Office Developer Tools

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

Microsoft Visual C# 2010   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual C# 2010

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

Microsoft Visual F# 2010   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual F# 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer

Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010   01018-532-2002181-70269
Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010

Add Reference Dialog Plus!   1.0
An significantly enhanced Add Reference dialog for managed code projects.

Crystal Reports Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010   
Crystal Reports Templates for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Document Well 2010 Plus   1.0.10916.0
This package provides configurable behavior for the Document Well and its tabs. Please be sure to let us know what you like/dislike about this extension.

ExtensionUpdateCheck   1.0
Shows a notification icon in the system tray after Visual Studio startup if there are updates available for any installed extensions.

JetBrains ReSharper 5.1   C# Edition build 5.1.3000.12 on 2011-01-28T04:05:56
JetBrains ReSharper 5.1 package for Microsoft Visual Studio. For more information about ReSharper, visit http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/. Copyright © 2003–2011 JetBrains, Inc.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Developer Tools   10.0.30319
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Developer Tools

ViEmu (Symnum Systems S.L.U.)   2.5.14
ViEmu: Vi/vim emulation for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. (c) 2005-2010 Symnum Systems S.L.U. Please visit http://www.viemu.com for details.

Visual Git
Henk Westhuis

It's mostly the same, and certainly has the same versions of ViEmu and Resharper. I guess I very probably configured things a little different or installed them in a different order this time.


Re: Can't get ctrl-r to insert registers in insert/ex mode

Hi again Weeble

Thanks for this interesting report, very useful to study the error, maybe some data in temp directories or maybe some file lost, we will consider, thx again.